新关注 > 信息聚合 > snh48女团表情包走红网络 网友:这是要上天

snh48女团表情包走红网络 网友:这是要上天

The women snh48 expression Internet hit Net friend: this is heaven

2016-04-02 01:40:13来源: 环球网


Yesterday, a group of expression emperor new overlord "micro" popular network, and the women image is the mainland idol SNH48 package members of expression, the expression pack a hogging the multiple network list. Some netizens said after watching, "this expression is to transcend wuli towers towers, become a new dominant expression package." Some netizens think, "didn't look at the us by playing bad, too, SNH48 to the rhythm of heaven!" Some passers-by turn pink, "this expression let me turn passers-by powder...