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贾秀全:学习鲁能的稳定与控制 建业战术主打整体

Jia Xiuquan: Learn Luneng stability and overall control of the main tactics Jianye

2016-05-22 00:24:55来源: 新浪

贾秀全 新浪体育讯 5月21日,在中超联赛第10轮的比赛之中,河南建业队客场挑战山东鲁能队。经过90分钟的激战,双方战成0-0平,河南建业队在10轮过后积分达到了15分,名次稳居前列。 比赛...

Jia Xiuquan AP May 21, in the first 10 Super League matches among the teams Henan Jianye away to Shandong Luneng. After 90 minutes of fighting, the two sides battle 0-0, Henan Jianye team to reach 10 points after 15 points, ranking ranked in the forefront. game...