新关注 > 信息聚合 > 保定坐望谷茶书院获全国茶艺职业技能竞赛大奖


Baoding sit at valley tea academy in the national tea art vocational skills competition award

2016-10-01 09:45:32来源: 长城网

长城网保定9月30日讯(李艮春 张瑜)保定市茶文化学会30日透露,该市坐望谷茶书院代表河北省在第三届全国茶艺职业技能竞赛总决赛中夺得个人比赛铜奖及优秀创意、优秀演艺等多项大奖。 第三届全国茶艺职...

The Great Wall network - baoding on September 30 (li gen spring Alyson baoding city tea culture society, 30, said the city sits at the valley tea college representatives in hebei province in the third session of the national tea art vocational skills competition finals won the individual games bronze medal and outstanding creativity, outstanding performance award. The third session of the national tea job...