新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宗宁:沪江ET发布会重新定义在线教育


ZongNing: hj ET conference to redefine the online education

2016-09-29 00:51:44来源: 搜狐

作为一个老牌的教育网站,沪江十五年来逐渐从小做大,成为在线教育的领军科技企业,近日沪江十五年来首次召开了一场盛大的产品发布会,发布了自己的几款重要产品,阐述了自己十五年来对在线教育的理解,也开始制定在线教育行业的标准。 学以智用,努力不是唯一更要科学 这次产品发布会沪江推出了ET的子...

As a veteran of education website, hj 15 years do as a child big, gradually become the leading online education science and technology enterprises, hj for the first time in 15 years recently held a grand products conference, released his own a few important product, expounds his 15 years understanding of online education, also began to establish standards for online education sector. Use knowledge into practice, and strive to not only science The product launch hj introduced ET son...