新关注 > 信息聚合 > 港媒:恐袭频发人民币走弱 让中国人出境游转冷

港媒:恐袭频发人民币走弱 让中国人出境游转冷

Hong Kong media: fear of frequent attacks on weaker renminbi Let the Chinese outbound tourism turns cold

2016-08-15 00:11:26来源: 搜狐

参考消息网8月14日报道 港媒称,分析人士说,人民币走弱已导致中国出境旅游增速放缓。自去年8月一次性贬值以来,人民币对美元汇率已下跌7%以上。 据香港《南华早报》网站8月8日报道,国金证券分析师...

Reference news network reported on August 14, Hong Kong media said, analysts say, weaker renminbi has led to China's outbound tourism growth is slowing. Since last August one-time devaluation, the RMB exchange rate against the dollar has fallen by more than 7%. According to Hong Kong in the south China morning post website reported on August 8, sinolink securities analyst...