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Little movement CEO's "I am" at home "outdoor tornado chaser

2016-06-30 22:33:43来源: 参考消息

6月30日晚8:30,点点运动CEO董德福做客旅游卫视《我是创享家》,邀您与主持人一同感受一位户外追风人的运动情怀。 2013年,在全民运动还未兴起之时他已悄然进军互联网运动健康领域,创立了点点运动。现今全民健身如火如荼的大背景下,他已经建立了一个拥有千万运动爱好者的智能运动平台,打造...

June 30 at 8:30, little movement CEO de-fu dong guest travel channel, "I am" at home "with the host invite you get a feel for the movement of an outdoor 'feelings. In 2013, when the rise of mass movement is not he has quietly into the Internet sports health, founded the little movement. Now height under the background of the national fitness, he has set up a platform with intelligent motion of tens of millions of sports fans, build...