新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陕甘支队与红十五军团会师(长征·光辉历程)


But so do dungans detachment and red fifteen army stationed (the long march, glorious course)

2016-10-09 14:01:18来源: 中国日报网

分享 1935年11月初,到达陕北的中共中央和陕甘支队在甘泉地区同在陕甘革命根据地的红十五军团会师。11月3日,中华苏维埃共和国中央政府决定成立中国工农红军西北革命军事委员会,毛泽东为主席。同日,西北军委宣布恢复红一方面军番号,陕甘支队改为红一军团,红十五军团编入红一方面军建制。 ...

Sharing in early November, 1935, arrived in northern shaanxi of the central committee of the communist party of China with but so do dungans detachment in oasis area but so do dungans revolutionary base of red fifteen army stationed. Soviet republic of China on November 3, the central government decided to set up the Chinese red army of workers and peasants revolutionary military commission of the northwest, chairman MAO zedong. On the same day, the northwest military commission announced to restore the red army corps, but so do dungans team instead of the red army, red fifteen army into the red army organizational system. ...