新关注 > 信息聚合 > 丫鬟变爷,范冰冰新一代“霸道总裁”美哭你


Girl ye, fan bingbing, a new generation of "bullying President" cry for you

2016-10-04 22:19:28来源: 光明网

初识范冰冰,大概是还珠格格了,虽说不是女主,却也抢足了风头,但那时的她只是一个小丫鬟。 如今的她是范爷,是一个霸气、可以独当一面的影后。 这不,冰冰又入围了金马奖最佳女主角,而电影《我不是潘...

Fan bingbing, person that is probably the princess huanzhu, although not Japanese, but also upstage enough, but when she was just a little girl. Now she is fan bingbing, a domineering, can acquire the best actress. It doesn't, ice ice and a finalist for the golden horse best actress, and the film "I am not a pan...