新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王飞三落泪见证女足胜利 眼泪留给对手她没食言!

王飞三落泪见证女足胜利 眼泪留给对手她没食言!

Wang Fei three tears witnessed victory in the women's tears leave the opponent she didn't eat them!

2015-06-13 10:05:42来源: 新浪

王飞带伤作战让人揪心 女足世界杯,中国玫瑰在揭幕战被加拿大绝杀之后,女足门将王飞的泪水让不少球迷为之伤心,很多媒体当时都用到《女足不哭》作为标题。王飞随后对媒体说“要把眼泪留给对手,而不是自己”。可是没隔几天,王飞又哭了,不过这一次是因为王丽思绝杀了荷兰女足。 这一场王飞哭了至少...

Wang Fei combat injuries make people worried at the FIFA Women's World Cup, the Chinese rose in the opener by Canadian lore, the tears of the women's football goalkeeper, Wang Fei, let a lot of fans sad, a lot of media was used "women don't cry" as the title. Wang Fei then said to the media, leaving the tears to the opponent, not himself ". But a few days later, Wang Fei cried again, but this time because Wang Lisi lore Holland women. This one Wang Fei cried at least...