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环青海湖赛第二赛段:马克再夺冠军 继续穿黄衫

Qinghai Lake Race of the second stage of the ring: Mark win again continue to wear the yellow jersey

2015-07-07 05:47:18来源: 华体网

马克冲过终点王洁摄 昨日,2015环青海湖国际公路自行车赛结束了第二赛段的比赛。车手们顶着炎炎烈日酣战了4个多小时,最终来自斯洛文尼亚艾德里亚莫贝尔队的马克再夺赛段冠军,穿上了黄衫和绿衫。来自乌克...

mark crossed the finish line Wang Jie photo yesterday, 2015 ring Qinghai Lake international road cycling race over the second stage of the game. The riders wore the scorching sun pitched the more than 4 hours, finally from the mark of Slovenia Adelie Yamobeier team to win the championship stage, wearing a yellow sweater and green shirt. From ukraine...