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The pinnacle of athletic who is stronger, and the sword God domain ol "version of the new revelations about

2015-08-11 11:20:04来源: 不凡游戏网

随着玩家等级的上升,《刀剑神域OL》巅峰竞技场即将迎来新一轮战斗,而这次新版本内容会对巅峰竞技场规则特效做出改变,而上任冠军“优纪”也做出了改变,小伙伴们你能发现么? 众所期待的《刀剑神域OL》...

with the rise in the level of players, the domain of God sword OL" in the peak of the arena is about to usher in a new round of fighting, and the content of the new version will make changes to the pinnacle of the arena rules effects, and took the title "excellent Ji" also made the changes and small partners can you find you? Awaited "sword God domain ol".