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冷暖自知 揭变性艺人心酸历程

The wearer knows where the shoe pinches exposing transsexual entertainer sad course

2015-04-28 10:51:36来源: 大河网

娱乐圈的变性女星一般都是天使的面孔,魔鬼的身材。她们变性前是靓仔,变性后是美女,都经历过比较辛苦的生理与心理的心路历程。下面就跟小编一起来看下变性艺人们的心酸故事吧! 韩国著名变性艺人河莉秀以一...

entertainment circle of transgender actress is angel face, the devil figure. They are handsome before, after the degeneration is beautiful, have experienced relatively hard physical and psychological journey. Here together with small see Yi people sad story degeneration! Harisu, a famous Korean artist degeneration...