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容祖儿变“新人导师” 带曹格郑秀妍开挂做任务

Joey yung "new tutors" with Cao Gezheng show shes hanging them to do the task

2016-07-12 16:35:07来源: 搜狐

容祖儿变"新人导师" 搜狐娱乐讯 湖南卫视《全员加速中》第二季目前以收视十冠王的绝佳成绩即将迎来完美收官。在最后的收官赛中两位重量级新人郑秀妍、曹格的惊喜加盟,为《全员2》的收官战献出精彩表现,...

Joey yung "new tutor" sohu entertainment Hunan satellite TV "in the full speed" in the second quarter to currently viewing an excellent result will soon celebrate ten crown well packaged. MSC match in the final two heavyweight Jessica, Gary's surprise, for "full 2" finish their excellent performance,...