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GIF-NBA防守一阵?被周琦晃2次 格林不想看的镜头

GIF-NBA defense for a while was Zhou Qihuang 2 times Green do not want to see the lens

2016-07-27 10:51:26来源: 网易

网易体育7月27日报道: 北京时间7月27日,中国男篮在中美的第二场热身赛中和美国男篮交手,首场比赛状态低迷的周琦,开场迅速进入状态。面对德拉蒙德-格林的防守,周琦开局就连续晃起对手打进进攻。 ...

NetEase sports July 27th report: Beijing time July 27th, the Chinese men's basketball team in the second warm-up match and the United States men's basketball team, the first game of the weak state of Zhou Qi, the opening quickly into the state. In the face of Green - Drummond's defense, Zhou Qi began to shake his opponent into the attack. ...