新关注 > 信息聚合 > 铁三赛盘活“泰州惠民棋” 开启“体育嘉年华”

铁三赛盘活“泰州惠民棋” 开启“体育嘉年华”

Iron three "activate" taizhou huimin is "open" sports carnival"

2016-04-28 15:58:04来源: 搜狐

“泰铁”选手 曾几何时,“溱潼会船甲天下”蜚声海内外,坐拥“天下第一水上庙会”胜景的十里溱湖也因其独特的水乡美景吸引数万中外游客每年蜂拥而至。而如今,在这片风光旖旎的溱湖畔,由泰州人亲手创造并捧...

"Iron" once upon a time, "qintong boat of guilin" renowned at home and abroad, has a "temple fair" day of the first water scene in ten mile lake Qin also because of its unique beauty attracts tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists every year. Now, in this piece of the scenic Qin lake, created by taizhou people personally and...

标签: 嘉年华