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富力主帅:疲劳不是借口 不知道延边咋防扎哈维

Fuli manager: fatigue is not an excuse Don't know how of yanbian pini zahavi

2016-07-22 20:28:00来源: 新浪

富力主帅 新浪体育讯 7月23日,广州富力队将迎来中超联赛第19轮的比赛,客场挑战延边队。本周三,富力队刚刚在广州德比战中主场战胜了领头羊广州恒大队。一周双赛又要长途奔波到延边,对于富力队来说是一个不小的挑战。 谈到明天的比赛,富力队主教练斯托伊科维奇表示:我们非常尊敬延边这支球...

Fuli coach Sina sports news on July 23, guangzhou r&f team will usher in the Chinese super league 19 rounds of competition, yanbian team. Fuli team on Wednesday, just in guangzhou Derby win over the constant brigade leader in guangzhou. Were hanging and wants to travel long distances to yanbian, is a big challenge for the fuli. When it comes to the game tomorrow, fuli coach stojkovic said: we are very respect yanbian the ball...