新关注 > 信息聚合 > NEC电影机特惠来袭 11月11日等你来抢

NEC电影机特惠来袭 11月11日等你来抢

Incoming NEC preferential motion-picture machine on November 11, waiting for you

2016-11-02 21:49:25来源: IT168

双11来了,双11来了,双11来了, 为了迎接一年一度的剁(guang)手(gun)节, 当然,更重要的是为了回馈广大客户一直以来的支持, NEC将于11.10-11.11开启双11特惠...

Dual-motor 11, 11, 11, double in order to meet the annual chop (guang) hand (gnu), and, of course, more important is to feedback has been the support of the broad masses of customers, NEC will open at 11.10-11.10 double 11 preferential...

标签: 电影