新关注 > 信息聚合 > 床战听到女友“喊别人名字”吃醋男赤手扯出她大肠内脏


War in bed hear my girlfriend "call others name" jealous man with pulled out her large intestine internal organs

2017-07-17 18:55:39来源: 美少女八卦


Hear her shout to people's names, in bed most of the men are hard to accept, but the American man feder lopez was directly with pull out his girlfriend "intestines and guts" death, unusual ferocity, after 2 years of appeals finally confessed, was sentenced to life in prison. Feder, 26, in 2015, lopez was a weekend night drunk, drunk crime before he and his girlfriend Mary YaNi maeve enjoy's sex, only to hear her Shouting her ex-husband in process...