新关注 > 信息聚合 > “发审皇帝”姚刚被双开 IPO终于回归正常

“发审皇帝”姚刚被双开 IPO终于回归正常

"With the emperor" review Mr Yao was double open IPO finally return to normal

2017-07-24 18:08:29来源: 宗易汇


After nearly two years, the financial system "biggest" tiger yao gang was double open news finally came. From November 13, 2015, the date of Mr Yao was suddenly taken away, lasted 615 days and nights, finally got the legal sanctions. Want to know, Mr Yao had been at the helm of securities issuance examination committee for 13 years, and is still one of the SFC founded the doyen of occupying a such a man once fall, accident, undoubtedly influence on society...