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担心被 AI 取代是杞人忧天?高晓松说的有几分对

Fear was replaced by the AI is overdone? Gao said somewhat right

2018-01-01 15:42:37来源: 新浪科技

2016 年白宫发布名为《人工智能,自动化与经济》的白皮书,围绕 AI 驱动的自动化社会下,讨论美国宏观经济、劳动力市场及政策会发生怎样的转变及影响。白皮书认为,随着 AI 能力的不断提升,原本需要...

In 2016, the White House called the artificial intelligence, automation and the economy of the white paper, surrounding of AI automation society, discuss the macro economic, Labour market and policy change and influence what happens. The paper argues that with the improving of the ability of AI, that need to be...

标签: AI