新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大型原创民族舞剧《花木兰》用现代价值观演绎传统


The large original national dance drama "Mulan" deducts the tradition with the modern values

2017-04-25 03:07:53来源: 中国新闻网

中新网北京4月24日电 (记者 应妮)由中央歌剧院与武汉市黄陂区人民政府、宁波市演艺集团歌舞剧院携手打造大型原创民族舞剧《花木兰》将于5月至6月分别在宁波(宁波凤凰剧院)、北京(国家大剧院)、武汉(...

Beijing Beijing, April 24 Xinhua (reporter Ying Ni) by the Central Opera and the Wuhan Municipal People's Government of Huangpi District, Ningbo City, song and dance theatre performing arts group to build large original national ballet "Mulan" will be held from May to June in Ningbo (Ningbo Phoenix Theatre) and Beijing (National Theatre), Wuhan (...