新关注 > 信息聚合 > 净资产负1.07亿元 重钢股份无力偿清债务被判重整

净资产负1.07亿元 重钢股份无力偿清债务被判重整

Net assets of 107 million yuan, heavy steel shares unable to repay debts were sentenced to reorganization

2017-07-04 12:37:05来源: 中国网


The company received the civil ruling of the first intermediate people's Court of Chongqing on the 3 day and decided to accept the application for the reorganization of the shares of Chongqing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., the creditor of Chongqing Lai Yuan Trading Co., Ltd., which was suspended from 4 to August 1st. The heavy steel stock was established in 1997 and was paid in Hongkong.