新关注 > 信息聚合 > 鲁尼:穆里尼奥让球队想起了胜利者的心态


Wayne: jose mourinho reminded the team of the winner

2017-02-10 04:05:19来源: 华体网

足球2月9日讯 鲁尼称穆里尼奥胜利者的心态帮助曼联提升了自身的意志力。弗格森非凡的执教生涯帮助曼联冠上了成功的代名词。而冠军教头穆里尼奥的到来被视作为球队重新赢得冠军的开始。 鲁尼说:“很显然,穆...

Football on February 9 Wayne rooney says mourinho winner mentality helped Manchester united to promote their own willpower. Sir Alex ferguson has a remarkable career to help united's champions league success. The winning coach jose mourinho's arrival is viewed as the beginning of the team to win the championship. Rooney said: "obviously, jose...