新关注 > 信息聚合 > 热苏斯打电话庆祝动作:不是为前女友,是致敬妈妈


Hot seuss call celebration: not for his former girlfriend, is pay tribute to mom

2017-02-10 04:05:19来源: 华体网

足球2月9日讯 近日《曼彻斯特晚报》揭示了热苏斯“打电话”庆祝动作的真正含义。 此前,有传闻称,热苏斯的打电话庆祝动作是为了自己的前女友,在热苏斯转会加盟曼城以来,他的前女友就选择已经和他断了联系...

Football on Feb. 9 - the Manchester evening news recently revealed the thermal seuss "call" the real meaning of the celebration. Previously, there are rumours that, hot seuss's call celebration is for the sake of his former girlfriend, since the hot seuss transfer to Manchester city, his former girlfriend choice has broken links with him...