新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张柏芝董洁王菲汪峰梁洛施贾静雯离婚明星各有招数


Cecilia Cheung Dong Jie Faye Wong Wang Feng Isabella Leong Alyssa Chia divorce stars each have tricks

2014-06-03 10:22:19来源: 新蓝网

核心提示:近日,有网友偶遇董洁带着儿子现身老家大连某购物广场低调逛街,身穿厚厚羽绒服,一袭素颜完全没有明星架子。董洁和潘粤明所生的五岁儿子顶顶也是活泼可爱,小小年纪穿着时下最流行潮牌打扮颇为时尚。 ...

core tip: Recently, the netizen Dong Jie encounter with his son coming home shopping plaza shopping Dalian a low-key, dressed in a thick down jacket, dressed in a plain Yan no star shelf. Dong Jie and Yueming Pan's five year old son of Ding Ding is lively and lovely small age, dressed in the most popular brand dress fashionable tide. ...