新关注 > 信息聚合 > Vivo xShot安兔兔跑分泄露 首破40023分

Vivo xShot安兔兔跑分泄露 首破40023分

Vivo xShot security Bunny ran sub leaked first break 40023 points

2014-04-22 00:21:36来源: dospy智能手机网

上周,Dospy报道了即将于本月底发布的OnePlus One安兔兔跑分,较搭载同型号处理器的HTC M8而言,OnePlus One以38000分的优异成绩直接秒杀前者。 我们刚刚了解到,Viv...

Last week, Dospy reported at the end of the upcoming release of OnePlus One Tutu run points, compared with the same model processor equipped with HTC M8, the OnePlus One honors with 38000 points directly to spike the former. We have just learned, Viv ...