新关注 > 信息聚合 > 长沙伢子廖凡被曝与女友完婚 媳妇曾编写《将爱》

长沙伢子廖凡被曝与女友完婚 媳妇曾编写《将爱》

Changsha Yazi Liao Fan traced with his girlfriend to marry his wife had written, "love"

2014-04-19 09:09:34来源: 新浪湖南

霍昕 做一个成功男人背后的女人,不容易。做一个出名的成功男人背后的女人,更不容易,况且,还是这个男人正走在通往成功道路上的时候,她就在坚定支持他了。18日,一向低调的柏林影帝廖凡被曝出婚讯,称其...

Huo Xin made a successful woman behind the man, is not easy. Behind a successful man made famous woman, but not easy, besides, is this man walking down the road leading to success when she was in firm support him. 18, Berlin has always been low-key actor who has been discovered Liao marriage hearing, saying ...