新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微软天蝎座沿袭Xbox系列设计语言 E3将有更多惊喜!

微软天蝎座沿袭Xbox系列设计语言 E3将有更多惊喜!

Scorpio follow Microsoft Xbox series design language E3 will have more surprise!

2017-04-18 01:41:11来源: 新浪

微软即将会在今年的E3上正式带来他们的新主机“天蝎座计划”,而此前通过Eurogamer的介绍,玩家们已经对于天蝎座拥有的强大性能有了一个初步的概念,但看起来微软还留有一些关键的信息。 根据微软Xbox硬件的总经理Leo Del Castillo在采访中的回答,玩家们应该期待天蝎座在...

Microsoft on this year's E3 would be officially bring their new host "Scorpio plan", and after via Eurogamer, players have to Scorpio has a powerful performance have a preliminary concept, but it seems there were some Microsoft key information. According to the general manager of Microsoft Xbox hardware Leo Del Castillo the answer in the interview, players should expect Scorpio in...

标签: 微软 Xbox