新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梁咏琪唱当年故事 回忆曾因情伤创作时崩溃大哭

梁咏琪唱当年故事 回忆曾因情伤创作时崩溃大哭

Gigi Leung sang the story and recalled that he broke down and cried when he was hurt by his feelings.

2017-04-20 15:22:28来源: 新浪

新浪娱乐讯 梁咏琪[微博]一位二十年来从未被遗忘的歌手,清纯的外表、简约的短发、脱俗的玉女形象,使其迅速成为人气偶像,经历了其人生的曲曲折折之后,沉淀出现在对人生的“B面第一首”充满期待的梁咏琪。此...

Sina entertainment news Gigi Leung [micro-blog] a singer of twenty years has never been forgotten, pure appearance, simple short hair, vulgar jade female image, make it quickly become popular idol, experienced the twists and turns of his life, precipitated in the life of the "first B face" full of anticipation of Gigi Leung. This...