新关注 > 信息聚合 > 79元“游戏王者”打起手柄 安卓、苹果、PC、电视..

79元“游戏王者”打起手柄 安卓、苹果、PC、电视..

79 yuan "game king" playing handle Android, Apple TV, PC,..

2015-01-19 16:26:56来源: 电玩巴士

游戏越来越丰富,手游不再是单独的手机游戏,已经有大部分可以转换成电视游戏,RPG、FPS游戏越来越优秀,但我们需要一个全平台通玩的游戏手柄! 即将上市的欣柠檬科技的“大旗”手柄,以“游戏王者”的身份出现在我们的面前。据称手柄能够支持安卓、苹果、电脑、电视的游戏,堪称全能游戏手柄,售价...

games become more and more rich, Mobile Games is no longer individual mobile phone games, there have been most can be converted into video games, RPG, FPS game is more and more outstanding, but we need a whole platform game handle! The upcoming Hin lemon technology "the flag" to handle, "game king" appeared in front of us. Said handle can support the Android, apple, computer, TV game, called universal game handle, price...

标签: 游戏 安卓 PC 苹果