新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今日头条“LEVEL UP”计划出炉 扶持游戏内容创作者

今日头条“LEVEL UP”计划出炉 扶持游戏内容创作者

Today's headline "LEVEL UP" plan came to support the game content creators

2018-11-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

11月18日,在北京民生现代美术馆,2018 今日头条生机大会(原今日头条创作者大会)游戏分论坛成功举办。今日头条游戏创作者@主播骚男、@ImbaTV海涛、@板娘小薇,游研社创始人楚云帆,虎牙直播市场与销售总经理赵自杨,LGD Gaming & VPGAME COO 黄侃等行业大咖及优质内容创作者齐聚现场,从游戏内容专业化转型等角度畅聊行业未来发展方向。 头条生机大会游戏分论坛现场 大会上,今日头条内容生态总经理洪绯公布了2018今日头条游戏领域大数据,游戏类内容消费者数量大幅提升。截止2018年10月底,头条内对游戏类内容感兴趣的用户占到了全平台总用户的12.60%,相比2...

In Beijing November 18, the livelihood of the people of modern art, 2018 headlines vitality today congress (the original today's headline maker faire) game points BBS held successfully. Today's headlines game creators @ anchor SAO male, @ ImbaTV waves, @ niang wei, swim club founder ChuYunFan, market and sales since zhao Yang, general manager of canine teeth live and LGD Gaming & amp; VPGAME COO Huang Kan industries such as coffee and high quality content creators in the scene, from the aspects of the game content specialisation chat about industry development direction in the future. Headlines vitality BBS site meeting conference, today's headlines, content, general manager of ecological hong Fei released 2018 headlines today big data in the field of game, the game class content consumers number increase greatly. By the end of October 2018, the headline in interested in game content users accounted for 12.60% of platform total users, compared with 2...

标签: 游戏