新关注 > 信息聚合 > 打劫争议事件谁是最大受益者? 围棋笑而不语

打劫争议事件谁是最大受益者? 围棋笑而不语

Rob controversy Who is the biggest beneficiary? Go laugh without words

2016-03-11 05:07:56来源: 新浪

柯洁对阿尔法围棋谁更强? 新浪体育讯 柯洁怀疑阿尔法围棋不会打劫?! 打劫是啥意思,围棋能抢别人棋子? 意思就是说,阿尔法围棋不敢跟柯洁下,简称不敢“打洁”。 以上内容纯属虚构,如有...

Ke Jie Alfa Go stacks up? AP Ke Jiehuai doubt Alfa will not go rob? ! Robbery What do you mean, go grab a pawn of others? That means, not with Alpha Go under Ke Jie, referred to not "play clean." Above is purely fictitious and any ...