新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暴雪将首次直播《守望先锋》 封测要来了?

暴雪将首次直播《守望先锋》 封测要来了?

Blizzard will live for the first time in the watch pioneer "IC packaging and testing to come?

2015-10-13 09:38:38来源: 17173

《守望先锋》将于北京时间10月16日凌晨1点,在国外游戏直播平台Twitch上进行官方直播。 平台主播Haylinic和Ellohime将会与游戏开发者组成队伍进行游戏,观众将有看到超过90分钟的游戏过程。玩家们,为即将到来的《守望先锋》测试做好准备吧! 暴雪嘉年华将于11月7日...

" watch pioneer "will be in Beijing time on October 16 morning 1 point, in foreign game broadcast platform twitch official broadcast. Platform anchor Haylinic and Ellohime will be composed with game developers to play games, the audience will have to see more than 90 minutes of the game process. Players, for the upcoming "watch the pioneers," the test to prepare it! Blizzard Carnival will be held in November 7th...