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"Need for speed: without limit" this week Kaibiao global shelves

2015-09-29 12:13:01来源: TechWeb

EA 出品的赛车游戏金字招牌《极品飞车(Need for Speed)》系列在全世界玩家心目中都有极高地位,该系列凭借真实的赛车和爽快的赛车竞速,博得了许多赛车游戏迷的喜爱。经过前些年《极品飞车:热力追踪》和《极品飞车17:最高通缉》几款移植作品后,EA 宣传已久的为移动平台量身定制的最...

EA produced racing game gold lettered signboard "need for speed (need for speed)" series in the eyes of the players around the world has a high status, the series with real racing and refreshing car racing, Bo had many racing game fans love. After a few years ago, "the need for speed: heat tracing" and "need for speed 17: the most wanted" after several transplant works, EA publicity has long been tailored for the mobile platform...