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苹果电脑的诱惑 男孩玩网游陷入中奖汇款骗局

Apple seduction boys playing online games into, recently winning money scam

2015-09-01 23:08:21来源: 新浪

近日,小许在家中玩网游,在游戏个人对话窗口中一个陌生人发来一个中奖提示的链接,奖励是现金5.8万元及一台苹果电脑。小许填写资料后将2000元税款汇出后对方玩消失。 8月24日13时许,小许在家中玩网游,收到一个陌生人发来一个的链接信息,小许看这个网址和自己玩的网游官网很像,于是点击进...

, small Xu playing online games at home, the links in the single player game dialog window a stranger sent a winning tips, the reward is the cash 5.8 million yuan and a Macintosh computer. Xiao Xu to fill out the information will be 2000 yuan of tax remitted after the other disappeared. August 24th 13 am, a small at home to play online games, received a stranger to send a link information, a small look at this site and their own to play online games, the official website is very like, so click into...

标签: 网游 苹果