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How to make a game in Venezuela with a monthly salary of only 30 yuan?

2020-08-06 08:57:15来源: 游戏时光

  这两天在海外贴吧 Reddit 搜刮沙雕图时,无意间翻到一个帖子。虽说阅读量不高,但标题却起得很有意思:“RIP VENEZUELA(安息吧 委内瑞拉)。”  瞅了两眼,大概是讲委内瑞拉爆发了大规模停电,导致网游《RuneScape》里本来一张满是人刷怪的地图突然空了。从评论来看,老外们应该是在讽刺这个国家的打金从业者太多了。  估计你对“金农”这个字眼早已司空见惯。我原本也以为这不过又是一则欧美玩家调侃邻居朋友的常见故事,只不过脑子里突然蹦出几年前委内瑞拉经济崩溃的记忆,随手在谷歌输了几个关键词后,很快便发现打金的事情确实不假,但主要原因却是“吃不上饭”。  话又说回来,民众们操起破电脑被迫成为卖金刷子的现象,也只是他们游戏产业的一个缩影罢了。居安不思危  委内瑞拉本来是个非常富庶的国家,借着石油繁荣和国

In the past two days, while searching for sand sculptures in the overseas post bar reddit, I accidentally found a post. Although reading is not high, but the title is very interesting: "rip Venezuela." A large-scale blackout happened in the "Venezuelan" escape, which was caused by a huge power failure. Judging from the comments, foreigners should be satirizing that there are too many gold miners in this country. It is estimated that you are familiar with the word "Jinnong". I thought it was just another common story that European and American players ridiculed their neighbors and friends. However, the memory of Venezuela's economic collapse a few years ago suddenly popped out of my mind. After losing a few key words in Google, I soon found that the gold mining was true, but the main reason was "I can't eat". Then again, the phenomenon that people are forced to sell their computers is just a microcosm of their game industry. Venezuela was originally a very rich country, which prospered and prospered through oil

标签: 游戏