新关注 > 信息聚合 > Konami:31款付费游戏在两个月内被毙掉


Konami:31 paid games within two months was to shoot down

2015-08-26 19:23:47来源: 速途网

速途网8月26日消息(报道 王书民)Konami数字娱乐公司将会在10月份关闭31款IOS平台运营的游戏和应用,同时这些被关闭的游戏和应用都是付费的。 目前,仅对31款日本版本游戏进行剔除,而这大概会从10月份开始,并会持续两周来完成。Serkan Toto 指出:“这31款应用都是...

way 8 month 26 news (Xinhua Shu Min Wang) Konami digital entertainment company will in October shut down 31 IOS operating platform games and applications. At the same time, these being closed to the games and applications are paid. At present, only 31 of the Japanese version of the game to remove, and this will probably start in October, and will continue for two weeks to complete. Toto Serkan said: "these 31 applications are...

标签: 游戏