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七夕特辑 盘点《创世神话》里的另类CP

Tanabata featurette inventory of the creation myth "alternative CP

2015-08-23 09:54:05来源: 17173

今年的七夕,娱乐圈里的明星们可是好好秀了一把恩爱!在这个处处弥漫着粉红色气息的日子里,聪明的玩家选择到《创世神话》里找几对另类CP来安慰一下自己,毕竟比起这几对,单身其实也挺好的哈! 【蓬霄猪王·丁晴】 各位亲们一定还记得初入龙隐村首先看到的CG画面吧,猪哥一身黑老大的气场扛着钉耙...

this year's seventh, entertainment stars but a good show the affection! In this everywhere filled with pink breath of life, the smart players choose to "creation myth" to find a few pairs of alternative CP to comfort themselves, after all, compared to the few, the single is actually quite good! [Xiao Peng King pig, NBR] Dear must also remember that at the beginning of the hidden dragon village first see the CG visuals, weirdo body black boss of gas carrying rakes.