新关注 > 信息聚合 > 8月25日《横行冒险王》二测决定 新职业一同到来!

8月25日《横行冒险王》二测决定 新职业一同到来!

August 25th "king of adventure king" two to determine the arrival of new career!

2015-08-14 11:26:37来源: 4399

蜗牛数字代理自韩国的《横行冒险王》经历了一测之后历时3个月的调整优化,二测时间最终敲定,将于8月25日开启IOS、安卓双平台同步测试,一同公布的还有新职业——机械妖姬。 全球首发二测 8.25双平台同步开启 全球首发《横行冒险王》今日正式公布国服二测时间,8月25日起IOS、安卓双平...

snail digital agency from South Korea the rampant king of adventure, experience the measured after lasted 3 months of adjustment optimization, the second test time finalized, will open on August 25, IOS, Android dual platform synchronous test, along with the announcement of the but also a new career - Mechanical enchantress. The world's first two test 8.25 dual platform synchronized starting the world's first adventure king today officially announced the national service two test time, from August 25th onwards IOS, Ann Zhuo Shuangping...