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加拿大狮门影业尝鲜 率先将电影VR游戏化

Canada Lionsgate early adopters will be the first movie VR game

2015-08-13 17:10:20来源: 新浪

加拿大电影公司狮门宣布,将和瑞典游戏工作室Starbreeze合作,将旗下电影《疾速追杀》改编为虚拟现实游戏。 狮门电影公司曾制作、发行过经典电影《电锯惊魂》系列。此次的《疾速追杀》于2014年10月上映,但市场反应一般。业内分析,此次狮门要做VR游戏的目的一是抓住虚拟现实以及游戏的...

Canadian film company Lion Gate announced that, will and Sweden game studio starbreeze cooperation, its movie "fast kill" adapted for virtual reality games. Lionsgate has produced, released classic film "saw" series. The "quick kill" in October 2014, but the market reaction. Industry analysis, the lion gate to do the purpose of the VR game is to seize the virtual reality as well as the game...

标签: 游戏 电影 VR