新关注 > 信息聚合 > 又添新英雄 《血战刀塔》末日爸爸登场吊打剑圣

又添新英雄 《血战刀塔》末日爸爸登场吊打剑圣

Adds new hero "bloody knife tower" the end of the father debut led juggernaut Sina

2015-08-07 10:10:33来源: 新浪


Ti5 battle of the has open files first test 4399 "bloody knife tower" new hero grand debut, hand-held pedal fire scorched earth's Doomsday dad come today version, hanging in the first test without solution fertilizer called the whole PA juggernaut! World of Warcraft new chapters of a copy of the story, 6.84 knife tower equipment and mountain giant, Carr et al Qi in single hero along the line, let the first test of the turret in the bloody battle more intense. Not much to say, to rush on the line to grab the end of the election, equipped with six grid God installed...