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Find 04 years of life the first dream role

2015-07-23 20:37:03来源: 17173

儿时乐趣镇楼!!!! 说多了都是累,12年前第一次接触梦幻西游!那年是2005年吧,我才上初中,第一次跟同学去了网吧玩起了网游!1,那时候随便注册的账号和安全吗,想不到我现在竟然试出来了,运气太好了,感谢网易这么多年都没删除角色。 那是我的最后一次上线!!,虽然是我最后一次登录,后来...

childhood fun town building! Say is tired, 12 years ago for the first time contact Fantasy Westward Journey! That year is 2005, I was on the junior high school, the first time with the students to the Internet cafes to play online games! 1, then the time to register the account and security, I can not think I should try it out now, luck is too good, thank you for so many years no delete role. That's my last time on the line!! , though it was my last time to log in, and later...