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人走茶凉曲终人散 最后的最后只剩一人

People walk tea cool finalizing the last finally left one

2015-07-20 06:17:22来源: 多玩游戏

我总以为会有那么一个游戏能玩到老,认识的朋友都不会离开。可是,我错了,错的很离谱。 随着朋友的一个个离开,曾经的约定,都不过是尘埃而已,多么的渺小。你们都说过,我们要一起玩寻仙,直到游戏倒闭为止。 如今,你们都脱坑了,我不知道应该祝福你们,还是憎恨你们。你们都这么狠心留我一个在游...

I always thought there will be so a game can play to old friends will not leave. But, I was wrong, it was a mistake. With friends one by one to leave, once the agreement, are only dust, how small. As you said, we are going to play with you, until the game is closed. Now, you are all out of the pit, I do not know should bless you, or hate you. You are so cruel to leave me in a swim...