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梦幻西游手游门派闯关实用技巧 冲榜阵容推荐

Fantasy Westward Journey Travel door-to-door checkpoints practical skills red list team recommended martial

2015-07-13 12:24:49来源: TechWeb

门派闯关,是梦幻西游手游中一项热门的日常活动,丰富的经验、诱人的道具奖励以及高含金量的特殊称谓,使得该活动的人气只增不减。 由于奖励与闯关速度挂钩,如何在有限的时间内尽可能多地完成关数成为了玩家们探讨的热门话题。作为常年挂着“三界菁英”称号的小编我,对于门派闯关可是有着十分丰富的经验,...

checkpoints, Fantasy Westward Journey tour of a popular daily activities, rich experience, attractive bonus items and high gold content of the special appellations, makes the popularity of the event to increase not only reduced. Because the reward with checkpoints linked to the speed, how to in the limited time as far as possible much off a few become the players to explore a hot topic. As a perennial hanging "three elite" title of the small for me, but through martial art has a very rich experience,...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游