新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《永恒战记》7月5日不删档测试 相约周末

《永恒战记》7月5日不删档测试 相约周末

The eternal Senki "July 5, do not delete the file test meet weekend

2015-07-04 16:44:19来源: 4399

《永恒战记》7月5日不删档测试,相约周日不见不散,超爽酷炫连击,而且开测更有百万奖品等你拿,赶快和4399小编一起参与《永恒战记》的测试吧。 港卡牌动作类手游大作《永恒战记》不删档测试于7月5日上午11点正式开启。其原汁原味、高品质的游戏定位在之前测试中给玩家留下了深刻的印象,而游戏中...

the eternal Senki" July 5 test does not delete files, meet Sunday at, ultra cool cool combos, and measurement and millions more prizes waiting for you to take, hurry up and Xiaobian 4399 together to participate in the eternal Senki "test.. Hong Kong card action Mobile Games masterpiece "eternal wars" test does not delete files on the morning of July 5th 11 officially opened. Its original, high quality of the game in the previous test to the players left a deep impression, and the game...