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满满中国风 《莎木3》全新宣传片公布

Full of Chinese style "Shenmue 3" new promo released

2015-06-30 22:57:26来源: 17173

在已经结束的E3游戏展上,《莎木3》的出现让全世界大多数玩家都高潮了。现在官方为我们带来了游戏的最新宣传片,视频中制作人铃木裕为我们介绍了达到众筹目标后能增加的三个新场景:“白沙”、“鸟舞”与“白鹿村”。这些场景也是满满的中国风,一起来欣赏吧。 初代《莎木》在1999年在日本发售,7...

in E3 game show has ended. "Shenmue 3" appear to let the whole world most players have an orgasm. Now official for us to bring the game of the latest videos, video producer Yu Suzuki as we introduced three new scene to reach the public to raise the target can increase: "Baisha", "bird dance" and "White Deer Village". These scenes are full of Chinese wind, a rise to enjoy it. The original "Shenmue" on sale in Japan in 1999, 7...