新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《机甲风暴》次日留存高达57%!获骨灰级读者力挺


"The next day" mech storm retained up to 57%! Won the hardcore readers behind the

2015-06-19 16:07:13来源: 不凡游戏网

《机甲风暴》次日留存高达57%!获骨灰级读者力挺 6月18日消息,中国第一3D科幻机甲手游《机甲风暴》于6月4日启动的官方测试,以起点白金作家骷髅精灵经典名作“风暴三部曲”系列为蓝本,打造最真实3D科幻机甲RPG手游,随着首测的开启玩家终于可以一睹真容。据目前Play800官方数据统计...

" mech storm the next day retention of up to 57%! Won the hardcore readers behind the news on June 18, China's first 3D sci-fi mecha Tour "MechAssault storm" in June 4, start the official test, the starting point for platinum writer skeleton wizard classical masterpieces "storm Trilogy" series is modeled and create the real 3D sci-fi mecha RPG mobile games, with the first test of the players to open can finally see the Zhenrong. According to the current Play800 official data statistics...