新关注 > 信息聚合 > 哈提布30分率佛山屠四川 约什26分菲巴徒砍38分

哈提布30分率佛山屠四川 约什26分菲巴徒砍38分

Hatibu 30 rate Foshan Tu Sichuan Josh 26 pheba acts cut 38 points

2015-01-25 19:13:09来源: 网易

尽管菲巴拿到全场最高的38分,但他孤掌难鸣,哈提布得到3分,约什和曾令旭分别得到26分和23分,他们带领佛山队在客场拿下四川队…… 网易体育1月25日报道: CBA2014-15赛季第35轮,四...

although pheba scored a game high 38 points, but he takes two to tango, Hatibu get divided into 3, Josh and Ceng Lingxu respectively 26 and 23 points, they lead Foshan team in the away win Sichuan team... Netease sports January 25th reported: CBA2014-15 season thirty-fifth round, four...