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陪年轻人“看理想” 陈丹青不讲《蒙娜丽莎》

With young people "ideal" Chen Danqing does not speak "Monalisa"

2015-01-27 22:42:54来源: 新华报业网

陈丹青 人民网北京1月27日电(记者唐平) 1月27日,由土豆和出版机构理想国深度合作推出的影像计划“看理想”在京举行战略合作发布会,土豆总裁杨伟东、“理想国”品牌创办人刘瑞琳,以及“看理想”的主要创作成员梁文道、陈丹青、马世芳及音乐总监张亚东等人共同出席。梁文道肩负策划人的职责,他...

Chen Danqing people.com.cn Beijing 27 January report (reporter Tang Ping) in January 27th, from potato and publishing agencies ideal image plan "in depth cooperation launched the ideal" held a strategic cooperation conference in Beijing, potatoes, President Yang Weidong "ideal country" brand founder Liu Ruilin, and "the main creative members see the ideal" Liang Wendao, Chen Danqing, Ma Shifang and music director Zhang Yadong and others attended. Liang Wendao shouldered the planner duties, he...