新关注 > 信息聚合 > 个人税号将植入不动产登记平台 房产税立法路径渐明

个人税号将植入不动产登记平台 房产税立法路径渐明

The heading of personal will implant the registration of real estate property tax legislation platform path fadein

2015-03-06 17:27:29来源: 新浪网

个人税号将植入不动产登记平台 房地产税立法路径渐明 导语:李克强在政府工作报告中提请修订税收征管法,即预示着“个人税号”时代的来临。 经济观察报 记者 张凤玲 实习记者 郑淯心 3月5日,国务院总理李克强在政府工作报告中并未提及房产税立法,被一些观察人士解读为房产税出台碰到了较大...

individual tariff will implant the real estate registration platform of real estate tax legislation path fadein Intro: Li Keqiang in the government work report submitted to the revised law on the administration of tax collection, which indicates that the "personal income tax" era. Economic Observer newspaper reporter Zhang Fengling intern reporter Zheng Yuxin in March 5th, the State Council Premier Li Keqiang did not mention the property tax legislation in the government work report, by some observers interpreted as real estate tax encountered greater...